Wisdom Quotes

Survivor Quotes: Short and Inspiring Cancer Survivor Quotes

We all felt it when Rocky Balboa said, “You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” That is exactly what it takes to be a survivor. Sometimes, it takes every single ounce of mental and physical strength that we have to survive the toughest challenges that life throws at us.

No matter how challenging the circumstances may look, there is always a way out. We just need to look in the right places. Here are the best survivor quotes ideas that will surely inspire you to keep going in the toughest of circumstances. 

Quotes About Surviving Cancer

Inspirational survivor quotes can uplift a cancer patient’s spirits. A positive approach can help them manage their stress better. Here are some strong survivor quotes that provide people fighting cancer some hope and motivation.

1. “Remember this: You haven’t exhausted all possibilities.” —Thomas Edison. 

2. “You can survive, but you can also thrive and live a happy, healthy life again.” —Erika Evans

3. “Don’t let anyone drag you down. It is essential to surround yourself with people who can lift you.”— Oprah. 

4. “You can have cancer or be a survivor of cancer. It’s a mindset.” — Dave Pelzer.

5. “Take each day as it comes, taking each step. Do what you can, and do your best. Let God handle the rest.” — Michelle Jones

Quotes About Surviving an Accident

6. “Wounds leave scars, and those scars tell a story. My story of survival.” — Craig Scott

7. “Let yourself grieve, feel, and embrace the pain, but never give up. Things will get better. The world will be better.” — Cameron Kasky.

8. “Be thankful for the challenging times. You develop throughout those times. Be thankful for your limits since they present chances for growth. Be thankful for every new obstacle since it will strengthen your character and strength. Be appreciative of your errors. You will learn essential things from them.”- Troy Amdahl

9. “If you don’t know what to be grateful for, be grateful for all the troubles you have not had yet.” – Vikrant Parsai 

Quotes About Surviving Abuse

Surviving an abuse takes a lot of courage and can be a traumatic experience to overcome. Here are some quotes for survivors of abuse that will provide inspiration and strength during hard times.

10. “I was devastated, terrified, filled with anxiety, anxious and weak, and I didn’t know where I would get the strength. But I just leaped blindly after closing my eyes. I knew I had to get out of there.” – Casey.

11. “If you ended a toxic, unfavorable, abusive, one-sided, low-vibrating relationship or friendship-you won.”- Lalah Delia

12. “Abuse survivors show us their spirit every time they smile” -Jeanne Mcelvaney​.

13. “You survived the abuse. You’re going to survive the recovery.” -Olivia Benson

Inspirational Quotes About Being a Survivor

Sometimes we face situations that feel difficult to survive. Here is a list of inspirational survival quotes to motivate you for these times. After all, the best saying in life is one that motivates you.

14. “I am a survivor, not a victim. It isn’t easy to live a perfect life. “You must get up when knocked down, dust yourself off, and get on with it.” Patsy Kensit.

15. “Being a survivor is not the same as being powerful. Tell people when you need a meal, ride, company, whatever.” Surviving is living a unique, authentic life, contributing something, and finding time to love and laugh. All these things are qualities of survivors.” Bernie Siegel

16. “Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.” -Carl Sagan.

What are some survival quotes? 

Mastering the art of survival in a time of trouble is a trait that certainly helps in the long run. Here are some quotes about surviving and to keep moving forward in life. 

17. “A survivor has survived and coped well with the traumatic, tragic, troubling, terrorizing, torturing, and tormenting difficulties in their life and has become a person who remained alive after an event in which others have died.” -Anthony McMaryion

18. “A survivor has managed to overcome the trauma of their abuse. It communicates the desire to leave the hurt of the past behind us and an effort to create and tell a new narrative.” -Anne Miller

Best Survivor Quotes On Success In Life

Setbacks and challenges are an integral part of life. Here are some Best Survivor Quotes On Success In Life can help you build a winner’s mindset.

19. “Action seems to be a prerequisite for success. Successful people never stand still. Despite mistakes, they don’t give up.” – Conrad Hilton.

20. “People need to know that no matter what lies in their past, they can overcome the dark side and press on to the brighter world.” – Dave Pelzer

21. “It is only when we take chances that our lives improve. The initial and the most challenging risk we must take is to become honest.”—Walter Anderson

Short Survivor Quotes

22. “Three words best describe how to survive, never give up. That’s the heart of it. Just keep trying.” –Bear Grylls.

23. “There are five basic genetic needs that drive us: survival, belonging, power, freedom, and fun.” -William Glasser.

24.A survivor is a person who does not require a waiver and is a mature person and a keeper.” -Janice E. Holliman.


Whether we like it or not, life will always knock us down, time and time again. But how we react to these circumstances makes us who we are. And surviving the toughest battles in life requires the strongest wills. So whenever you feel like you are losing, just remember: This too shall pass, you are not alone.